Marc Baraka Strauch

Video – Consumer [Music]

I produced this video of musician and spoken word artist Daniel Sperry who eloquently expresses Kabir, the mystical poet and saint of India. I did all camera work, editing, motion graphics, color grading and directing.

Click here to watch Inside This Clay Jug

This short film was one of six selected from more than sixty films submitted for a scholarship to the David Lynch MA in Film at MUM. I feel very privileged that David Lynch watched and critiqued my film as part of the selection process.

Accompanied by his cello and piano as a modern day troubadour bard, Daniel Sperry has been speaking the poetry of ancient mystics such as Rumi, Hafiz and Kabir along with contemporary poets such as Mary Kenyon and William Stafford for several years. Daniel is available for private concerts and original musical portraits; he can be reached through his website or by email at

For additional media work please go to Marc Baraka Media.